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Learn about historical funding success, grants and review committees in our Compendium of Awards.

Contact us

For questions about application requirements or procedures, email us or call 888-313-2277 (BCRP)

Funding opportunities

We offer two types of funding: annual investigator-initiated research awards and periodic opportunities for program-initiated research in targeted topics.

Call for Applications (pdf)

In our 2024-2025 (cycle 31) call for applications, we are offering funding for the following award types:

  • Innovative Developmental and Exploratory Award (IDEA): for promising high-risk/high-reward projects. Up to $200,000 direct costs for up to 18 months.
  • Community Research Collaboration (CRC) awards: for community based participatory research projects that include a collaborative partnership between a Community co-PI and an Academic co-PI in all phases of research. Up to $15,000 direct costs for 12 months (CRC Planning) and up to $200,000 direct costs for 18 months (CRC Pilot). CRC Full awards will be offered in Cycle 32.
  • Standard and Community-Led Conference awards: to support a conference, symposium, retreat, or other meeting to stimulate new ideas and collaborations. Up to $25,000. Community-Led Conference Awards have the same requirements as the standard awards, but employ a letter of intent submission process that allows conference organizers to obtain formal feedback about their event before applying.

Letter of intent and application forms and instructions will be available in SmartSimple on September 1. Visit the Application Materials page to preview instructions and letter of intent templates. 

Registration is required to access SmartSimple. Registration instructions are available in the "How to Apply" section of the Application Process page.

Program-directed initiatives

The program-directed initiatives are designed to leverage California's unique and diverse geographic, population and research resources to support critical studies that significantly move these fields forward and create solutions. Stay tuned for future funding opportunities.

Preparing to apply:

  • To be responsive and eligible for funding, each applicant must explain how their proposed research addresses one or more of our priority issues. (Examples provided in our priorities overviews are intended to cover broad breast cancer research topics and the examples provided are not all-inclusive.)
  • Who may apply? CBCRP funds research only in California. Any resident of California is eligible to apply for funding. Learn more about eligibility.
  • Review dates and deadlines for any funding mechanisms you're considering.
  • Diversity Supplements - once funded for any CBCRP grant award type, except for conference awards, a PI may apply for supplemental funding to support promising high school students, undergraduate students or community members from group underrepresented in breast cancer and/or those who wish to pursue careers focused on questions affecting underrepresented communities. Learn more about the CBCRP Diversity Supplement.