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Funding schedule (dates and deadlines)

Letters of Intent and application deadlines for the 2024-25 funding cycle.

Letter of Intent and Application Deadlines

Applications and Letters of Intent (LOI) for all CBCRP awards, except the CRC pre-application research plan and the Community-Led Conference Award letter of intent, must be submitted online through SmartSimple. Registration is required to access SmartSimple. Registration instructions are available in the "How to Apply" section of the Application Process page.

CBCRP investigator-initiated awards are offered on an annual basis, although the Community Research Collaboration Full Awards and Community Research Collaboration Planning Awards are offered on alternate years. Program and Policy initiatives awards are one-time funding opportunities. The submission deadlines are listed in the table below.

The IDEA Awards and Community-Led Conference Awards require an LOI and a subsequent invitation from the CBCRP to submit a full application. LOI forms and application materials are available in SmartSimple. Templates to work on IDEA LOIs and Community-Led Conference Award LOIs offline can be accessed on the CBCRP website, but must be entered into SmartSimple fields to complete the submission.

Award type Application item SmartSimple Open Date

Submission deadlines

(12 noon PT)

IDEA Awards

LOI (required)


Full application

September 1, 2024

October 17, 2024

 March 6, 2025

Community Research Collaboration Planning Grant

Full Application

September 1, 2024

October 30, 2024


Standard Conference Award

Full application

September 1, 2024

October 30, 2024

Community-Led Conference Award

LOI (required)

Full application

September 1, 2024


January 2, 2024

October 30, 2024

February 20, 2025

Community Research Collaboration Pilot Award

Full Application

September 1, 2024

March 6, 2025

Californians Linking Action with Science for the Prevention of Breast Cancer - Phase 2

Full Application

September 1, 2024

March 6 2025