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Policy Teams and Projects

Policy Teams

From 2015 until 2022 the first CBCRP Policy Initiative was in place, according to the agreed Policy Implementation Plan. In 2015, two teams were selected in an open, peer-reviewed competition and were on-call to conduct Policy Initiative research projects

  • Ninez Ponce, MPP, PhD (UCLA, Health Policy & Management): “Health Policy Research for Cancer Prevention and Control”
  • Peggy Reynolds, PhD – (UCSF, Epidemiology & Biostatistics): “Rapid Response for Environmental Research (RaRE Research)”
In August 2022, CBCRP redesigned the Policy Initiative to establish an open call for each research question. Any policy research team in California is eligible to apply to conduct Policy Initiative research projects. The applications will be reviewed by a peer review committee of policy experts and advocates from outside California and recommendations for funding made by the Policy Research Advisory Group to the CBCRP Council for final decisions.

Funded Projects

To date, seven projects have been funded under the Policy Initiative:


Project Title

PI/Co-PI, Institution



Barriers to Breast Cancer Care in California

Ninez Ponce, UCLA

11/1/15 – 1/31/18
(including add-on)


Enhance Implementation of California’s Green Chemistry Initiative

Gina Solomon, PHI
Peggy Reynolds, UCSF

1/29/18 – 1/28/19


Barriers to Metastatic Breast Cancer Care in California

Ninez Ponce, UCLA

11/15/19 – 5/14/20
(plus dissemination)


Awareness of Alcohol as a Risk Factor for Breast Cancer

Priscilla Martinez, PHI
Peggy Reynolds, UCSF

1/1/20 – 6/30/20
(plus dissemination)


Strategies for Increasing Breastfeeding in Disadvantaged Communities

Ninez Ponce, UCLA

5/1/22 - 04/30/24

(plus dissemination)


Achieving Equity in Genomic Testing for Breast Cancer through Partner-Led Strategies and Policies

Manali Patel, Stanford

1/1/23 - 6/30/24


Policy Priorities for Equitable Access to Fertility Preservation by Breast Cancer Patients

 Hui-Chun Su, UCSD

 8/1/24 - 1/31/25

Key Outputs